Soda Ingredient Getting Banned By FDA

The proposal to revoke the registration of BVO and mark the soda ingredient as banned for good indicates a significant shift in the FDAs stance on the substance. BVO has long been the subject of scrutiny due to its potential health risks animal studies have suggested that the compound can accumulate in fat tissues

The proposal to revoke the registration of BVO and mark the soda ingredient as banned for good indicates a significant shift in the FDA’s stance on the substance. BVO has long been the subject of scrutiny due to its potential health risks — animal studies have suggested that the compound can accumulate in fat tissues over time, and bromine, an essential element in BVO, has the potential to interfere with the thyroid’s functioning.

Consequently, many countries, including India, Japan, and European Union nations, have already banned the use of BVO, but the FDA has stood by the ingredient for decades.

