National Cliche Day, Know About National Cliche Day Origin, History And How To Celebrate

A clich is a phrase that is repeated over and over again, or an element of artistic work that appears frequently in films or music. Is there a more deserving contender for a Day of the Year than 'Clich Day'? After all, much like its namesake, it reappears again and over again! If you're the

What Is A Cliche And Cliche Day?

A cliché is a phrase that is repeated over and over again, or an element of artistic work that appears frequently in films or music. Is there a more deserving contender for a Day of the Year than 'Cliché Day'? After all, much like its namesake, it reappears again and over again! If you're the type who avoids weary old clichés for fear of seeming silly, this is the day to get them all out of your system in one fell swoop and forget about them until next year. Cliches are seen as sloppy means of speaking (or writing) by critics, but they are seen as a colourful or oblique manner of communicating by admirers. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," as they say.

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Who Founded The National Cliche Day?

Every year on November 3rd, National Cliche Day is observed.

Thomas and Ruth Roy, a husband-and-wife creative team who found in the 1980s that anybody can suggest a national "holiday" by applying to Chase's Annual Events, brought Public Cliché Day to national notice as a brilliant marketing ploy. The couple has devised more than 50 such holidays in the last two decades, partly for profit (the days are copyrighted), but largely for joy. The Roys are only attempting to lighten up the mood.

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The National Cliche Day - History

The origins and originator of National Cliche Day are unknown. The word "cliche" can be used as a noun or an adjective. The term "cliche" has its origins in the French language. Initially, it is an onomatopoeia that refers to a printing plate's reporting noise. Since then, the definition of the word has gradually expanded to denote a pre-written sentence for which no thought has been given

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Ways To Celebrate the National Cliche Day

Clichés can be irritating since they are predictable and have no real significance. However, for the same reasons, they may be hilarious, so why not use Cliché Day to have a little fun with them and get them out of your system till next year? Watching a movie is a fantastic method to do this—romantic comedies and horror films, in particular, are rich with clichés that have long since stopped eliciting the reaction or emotional response they were intended to elicit in the first place. 

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Another greatest approach to commemorate the occasion is to advise your brother to'seize the day,' accuse your spouse of being "drunk as a skunk," and tell your best friend that he or she "means the world to you." On a cliche day, everything is lovely and dandy, so go with the flow.

Other Events on November 3rd

The 3rd of November is also Celebrated for

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