Shocking Twist: Abby Choi Ex Husband Involved in Theft Case Remanded Today

On February 27, the family of four, including Abby Chois ex-husband, Alex Kwong, were charged with murder and obstruction of justice in connection with her suspected dismemberment and cooking. They have been remanded until May 8.

Abby Choi Ex Husband Involved in Theft Case Remanded Today

On February 27, the family of four, including Abby Choi‘s ex-husband, Alex Kwong, were charged with murder and obstruction of justice in connection with her suspected dismemberment and cooking. They have been remanded until May 8.

But now, another twist has emerged in the case. It turns out that Alex Kwong was also suspected of a scam involving gold jewelry ten years ago. He had been charged with seven counts of theft and was scheduled to stand trial in 2015. However, he disappeared while awaiting trial and has been on the run ever since.

On February 28, Alex was finally apprehended and escorted by a prison car to the District Court to appear in the theft case. The court adjourned the case until May 9 to allow the prosecution to re-examine the evidence, with the possibility of new charges being added. In the meantime, he has been remanded in custody.

During the hearing, Alex Kwong Kong-chi reported being unemployed and having no legal representation. He was charged with stealing jewelry from seven people, including necklaces, bracelets, gold bars, gold grains, and pendants. The court confiscated his bail money in 2015, and the judge ordered him to be remanded in custody pending trial.

According to earlier reports, the defendant was suspected of befriending same-gender acquaintances through social applications, asking them to invest jointly, and then fleeing with their property. The investigation into both cases is ongoing.

