AEW Continues Targeting Posts They Dont Like With Takedown Notices

AEW really doesnt like it when fans speak their mind about the product. They like it even less when accounts troll them for their botches. AEW is not finished targeting Twitter accounts, because theyre still at it.

AEW really doesn’t like it when fans speak their mind about the product. They like it even less when accounts troll them for their botches. AEW is not finished targeting Twitter accounts, because they’re still at it.

AEW has now taken down several more posts from AEW Botches, a popular Twitter account. While calling reference to the name that Aubrey Edwards is believed to use while filing those takedown notices, the account drew attention to this latest batch of takedowns.

Coward cocaine Khan directed Don Stevens to take down my tweets again…

AEW has been known to target videos that they don’t want online. They took down a lot of videos that were shared from their House Rules show, an embarrassing match between Britt Baker and Anna Jay, and they’re not done at all.

Tony Khan’s company has also taken down videos that showed off how many fans really attended their last Grand Slam event. Obviously, Tony Khan’s company wants to control the narrative, and this trend will certainly continue.

Botchamania, one of the most popular botch related channels in pro wrestling, has also been targeted by AEW. This came after AEW promised that they wouldn’t go after fan videos. Highlighting botches much be an exception to that.

AEW didn’t like fans posting their own view of that infamous death match ending either. We’ll have to see if AEW slows down on taking town posts that they don’t like, but it seems that they aren’t going to stop any time soon.

What’s your take on AEW taking down so many posts that they don’t like? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

