10 WWE Pictures Of Becky Lynch Like You've Never Seen Her

Becky Lynch is one of the biggest stars in the business right now, and someone that fans know a lot about. However, while she's a major name on television who likes to be over the top, in real life she is a private person. It is rare that, Big Time Becks shares too much about

Becky Lynch is one of the biggest stars in the business right now, and someone that fans know a lot about. However, while she's a major name on television who likes to be over the top, in real life she is a private person. It is rare that, Big Time Becks shares too much about herself.

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This always leaves fans clamoring for more. Whether it be photos of her backstage, or in her personal life, audiences want to see more content to be as connected as possible. These types of images help grow a fan base, and the fact they're rare with Becky only helps elevate her star power.

10 Sitting Under The Learning Tree

Every wrestler has to take advice from someone, as this is how people develop and get better. For Becky Lynch, one of those people is Paul Heyman, which is clear from this image alone. Seeing the two of them together, with Becky listening intently to the advice being given creates a great shot.

Fans often only see the final product on the other side of the curtain, so all these details get missed. That is what makes this such a great picture, as rather than being the arrogant on-screen character that people know and love, here she is learning, listening, and developing.

9 Getting Prepared

Before the show, there is a lot of preparation that goes into getting ready to deliver a product to the standard of WWE. That's something many people do not realize or appreciate. Getting make-up applied to be ready to appear on camera is all part and parcel of that, which this image highlights.

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It is a great shot of Lynch just in the moment, not playing a character or hyping anything up, but getting ready to do what she does best. It's a unique picture and something that most people wouldn't expect to see, and that's what makes it so interesting.

8 Being A Tourist

Because WWE Superstars are global celebrities known around the world, most people have a certain perception of them. However, in truth they are just like normal people, and getting to experience different sights and sounds as they travel the world is something they enjoy, just like any other tourist.

This image showcases that perfectly, with Becky Lynch taking a selfie, enjoying the view, and breathing in the moment. This isn't a case of her thinking she is too big for something, it highlights the fact she's like everyone else in life.

7 Sharing A Moment

Everybody knows about the relationship between Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins, the two are married and have a child, which is no secret. However, because they're both private people, actual moments between them are few and far between. That is why this image gives a rare glimpse that most audience members won't have seen.

The two of them are sharing a great moment of pure love behind the scenes, perfectly captured by WWE. It's something that audiences don't typically get to see, but there's no doubt that their fans will enjoy the cuteness of it.

6 Married Bliss

Because of how private Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins keep their lives, their wedding fell into that category. Unlike other WWE real-life marriages that have been published in magazines or highlighted on reality television, Seth and Becky kept things to themselves, with a few images surfacing.

This picture shows the two of them with their child as the moment is happening, which created a fantastic picture. Seeing Becky on her wedding day is something a lot of fans have never been able to witness, which makes this one image such a great one.

5 Calm Before The Storm

Becky Lynch is often seen on television being pumped up and ready to go. She is always bringing the energy, therefore this shot that shows her in a much quieter, calmer mood is unique. This isn't how people normally see Becky, but it highlights the focus she puts into everything she does.

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It is clear from this image here that she is in the zone, and ready to go entertain the masses. This type of moment never gets seen by fans, as they only get the character version. This type of picture is the real version of them.

4 Hanging With The Blueprint

When people think about the Four Horsewomen, people used to put Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair together as friends, and then Bayley and Sasha Banks. Therefore seeing Lynch and Banks hanging out backstage as friends is something that might come as an unexpected moment to people.

But the two of them are legitimate friends in real life, which is cool to see. Having two of the absolute best in the world having a fun moment behind the scenes together showcases the spirit within the locker room and the bond of the Four Horsewomen.

3 Working Out

The focus for wrestlers is on the in-ring product and training to get ready for that takes place in the squared circle. However, there is a large focus that has to be placed on being physically fit, and that comes via working out. This is something that people put a focus on, but don't always get to showcase.

This image highlights that, with Becky Lynch working out and getting herself into shape. It's a unique shot, but one that highlights the efforts that people have to take place to be at the necessary level to be a professional wrestler.

2 Friendly With Ronda Rousey

When people think about Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey is often one of the first people that fans think about. The two of them are fantastic rivals, and they have put together some great moments together. They even talk trash online, which is something that a lot of people are aware of.

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Because of that, this image with the two of them backstage chatting like friends is something that gives a different outlook upon them. It's a unique picture to see in comparison to how they are presented on television, which is brilliant.

1 Approval From The Boss

While Becky Lynch is a private person, that is also the case for Vince McMahon, seeing images of either of them backstage is quite rare. However, there is a great picture of them together behind the scenes at WrestleMania 35 straight after The Man was able to claim both the Raw and SmackDown Women's Championships.

It was a major moment for her, and it showcases the confidence that Vince had in her. Obviously from this image, it was a moment that he was incredibly happy about, and seeing the two of them celebrate together is a great shot.

