King of Cups Tarot Card

In traditional tarot, the King of Cups is represented by an androgynous king sitting on a golden throne before a calm sea. In one hand he holds a golden chalice, in the other a golden scepter. He is a symbol of balance and harmony, and a sign of good things to come.

What is the Meaning of the King of Cups Tarot Card?

In traditional tarot, the King of Cups is represented by an androgynous king sitting on a golden throne before a calm sea.

In one hand he holds a golden chalice, in the other a golden scepter.

He is a symbol of balance and harmony, and a sign of good things to come.

The King of Cups appears to us when we are in control of our emotions.

He is a symbol of calmness and serenity, even in the face of chaos, and serves as a reminder that we are capable of the same.

Sometimes the King of Cups represents a specific person in your life.

Who they might be or which aspect of your life they are influencing will be determined by cards that surround him.

king-of-cups-tarotThe Upright King of Cups Meaning

The position in which the King of Cups appears in your reading is important in determining what it is telling you.

In your past position, he represents a time where you rose above the chaos and confusion in life and found peace.

It is common to see this card in this position if you had a rough childhood, but have come out mostly unscathed.

It is common to see this card in this position if you had a rough childhood, but have come out mostly unscathed.

It could also signify a person from your past that seemed to hold it all together.

If this is the case, it’s a good idea to use their levelheadedness as an influence for your current situation.

The King of Cups in your present position means that you are going through a period in your life where you must rise above.

Because the Cups suit relates to our emotions, you can expect that there will be a bit of drama in your life soon, if it hasn’t already presented itself.

The King of Cups is telling you to keep your cool.

Don’t get caught up in other people’s pettiness, or you’re going to get burned.

In your future position, the King of Cups is a sign that the future is serene. Regardless of your past and present cards, this is a very positive outcome.

If you’re currently experiencing turmoil, know that it will not last and that you will be able to enjoy a long period of peace soon enough.

Work and the King of Cups

In a career oriented spread, the King of Cups is a sign that work is going well, or will soon improve. It’s a good idea to keep an eye out for a male superior or colleague who could be the key to your career advancement.

Now is a good time to take on the lead role for a project, or to apply to a promotion.

Love and the King of Cups

The King of Cups brings very good news to your relationship spread. If you are looking for love, this is a sign that you’re going to meet someone very soon who has a balanced life and a lot of love to give.

This could very well be the person you will spend the rest of your life with.

If you are already in a relationship, the King of Cups indicates a period of harmony between you and your partner. If you’ve been waiting for a marriage proposal, this could be it!

The King of Cups and Finances

Have you been careless with your funds? The King of Cups in a financial spread shows us that we can do better when it comes to managing our bank accounts.

Now is the right time to look over your budget and cut costs wherever possible. In order to have secure future, it’s important to be more mature with your money.

Big ticket items, such as a new car or house, are not a good idea at this time.

Meaning of the King of Cups in Health

In relation to your health, the King of Cups is a card with a lot of hope. If you’ve been sick or are about to undergo surgery, this card shows a speedy recovery.

Trust that your health care providers know what they’re doing, and listen to your body.

Let go of any fears you have about your health because the King of Cups shows us a very positive outcome.

The King of Cups in Reversed Position

When reversed, the King of Cups is telling you that you need to regain control of your emotions.

Your reactions to the things happening in your life are only hindering you at this time.

It’s important to remember that life is constantly changing. What seems like a big deal today may be completely irrelevant tomorrow.

Remind yourself to be rational and to view your current situation more objectively before making important decisions.

King of Cups Combinations

The King of Cups paired with The Lovers indicates a strong romantic bond. If you’re single, this means that your soulmate is closer than you think.

When Justice or Strength appear in tandem with the King of Cups, it means that a business partnership will yield positive results.

This is a good time to start a new project, and to bring new people with fresh ideas on board.

P.S. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, there’s a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here.

Additional reading about other tarot card meanings:

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